Saturday, September 1, 2012

Gold On The Ceiling

There I am wearing one of my fave top expecting to have a "happy" picture but I don't know why I'm making a sad face. Fail, I know. Anyhoo, this picture was taken from a beautiful street here in Cebu. I admired and fell in love with how the place looks, it's so lovely that I really took a picture of myself. Sorry for being so vain. :)

On the other hand, Cebu experienced a 9.7 magnitude earthquake. For the second time around, I DINT FEEL IT. How numb am I? A big 'K' for that. Please prepare yourselves people, cos I heard on the news last night declaring a tsunami alert and it's been raining all day. Please be safe and pray everyone. 

Cokie, xx

She is too short to wear shorts, and she knows that.